** Why Doesn’t Spider Get Stuck In The Sticky Thread Itself ?

Aakrity Chapagai
2 min readAug 26, 2020


It is because not every strand of a spider’s web is sticky. It also uses non sticky threads in its web. So, when the spider needs to walk across its web, it remembers to put its feet on only the non-sticky stands. This way a spider doesn’t get stuck in its own web. But this is not at all ! There is one other interesting reason for this. Did you know spiders have eight legs ? So, if accidentally it steps on to the sticky parts of the web , a spider able to free itself. It balances on the rest of its legs on the non-sticky strands and pulls the other leg free pretty easily !

2.why do spider spin a web ?

Spiders eat bugs and insects. what better way to catch bugs then to trap then in a web! So, spiders spin a web to catch their food. How do they spin a web ? Spiders produce silk threads to built their webs. The silk threads can be thick or thin , dry or sticky. When the spider begins to make a web, it shoots a silk thread. The thread comes out as liquid, but it dries quickly in the air. The spider anchors this thread to an object such as a door knob ,a tree branch or even to a wall. It then moves threads to make the web strong and create an interesting pattern. When an insects files into spider’s web, it gets stuck to the sticky threads.

Not just to catch their dinner

The do it for a number of reasons. They can make webs to catch a meal and to protect themselves from prey. Webs come in lots of different shapes too. From fluffy triangular shaped webs that smother their captors to funnel shaped webs with front and back exits in case the spider needs to make a quick getaway.

Spiders spin webs to protect their eggs or as a hunting tool, a small silk net that they throw over their prey.

They can also use webs for transport, climbing to a high point and then release one or more sail-like strands of silk which get caught by the breeze and carries them away. This process is called ballooning or kiting.

Young spiders often use this method of transport to disperse themselves after hatching but certain adult spiders use it too. This method usually brings them wherever the wind blows but spiders may use this to travel on jet streams that carry them right across oceans.



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