What makes Northern Lights a natural wonder?


Imagine the sky lit with various colours in so many patterns! First green, then pink, red, orange and then turning into violet! All changing one after the other on their own!

The Northern Light, also known as auroras, are lights that naturally occur in the sky. They create amazing displays in the sky and appear in different patterns. They fall like curtains, shine like rays and even bounce like waves across the sky. It seems as if the lights are dancing. They appear in all kinds of colours-red, orange, violet but the most common is pink and pale green. The colours may keep changing on its own or remain the same for hours.

The Northern Lights are produced when the electrically charged particles from the sun enter the atmosphere of the Earth. Some of the places where you can see the Northern lights are some north-west regions of Canada and the southern tip of Greenland and Iceland.



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