** Know Why do bug bites itch ? and A few things about Mosquitoes. **

Aakrity Chapagai
3 min readAug 28, 2020


Different bugs bite in different ways. When bugs like bees, wasps and ants bite, they inject a chemical or toxin into our skin. This toxin makes us itchy. sometimes, it can be painful and may cause a small red bumps at the site but the good news is that the itchy feelings goes away after a while.

Bugs like mosquitoes leave their saliva on our skin when they bite. This saliva makes us itchy.

2. Is it true that a mosquito is a very dangerous insect ?

Mosquitoes can be very harmful insects. Not only their bite makes our skin itchy, it can cause diseases like malaria and dengue. These diseases can be life threatening if not treated well in time. In fact some mosquitoes even pass some diseases from one person to another.

How does it happen ?

For examples a person is already infected with a virus. When a mosquitoes bites this person, it also picks up the virus along with the blood. So, when it bites another person who is healthy , it passes the virus into his blood. Mosquitoes breed on standing water. It takes just a few inches of water for a female to deposit her eggs. So, keep your surroundings clean of any standing water!

**Did you know only female mosquitoes bite us! The female mosquitoes don’t need the blood as their food but to nourish their eggs!

3.If Only female mosquitoes bite us then what do males mosquitoes snack on ?

You will find it interesting that both male and female mosquitoes feed on nectar and plant juices. In addition to this, female mosquitoes also need protein to develop eggs. This protein is not present in the nectar but is found in our blood. Since male mosquitoes don’t lay eggs, they don’t need this protein and don’t bite us.

4. Why do mosquitoes buzz in our ears ?

How many of you have had a sleepless night because mosquitoes Kept buzzing in your ears ? They seem to never leave until you wave your hand at them. Do you think the buzz is produced by flapping of their wings ? No. In fact, the buzz sound is produced by a tooth-like organ at the base of the wings of a mosquitoes

This organ scrapes against itself when the wings move and make the buzzing sound. You hear this buzz louder whenever they’re close to your ear. Did you know a mosquito’s wings move 300–600 times per second?

But what is it that attracts the mosquitoes to your side ? It is carbon dioxide that we exhale from our mouth that is signal to the mosquitoes that their meal is near. Scientists have also found out that the buzz of the mosquitoes is only to annoy you or to detect their victim to suck blood.

#FastFact : A mosquitoes can detect presence of carbon dioxide from 75 feet.



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