How many bones are there in the human body?

There are 206 bones. In fact, a baby is both with 300 bones but as it grows, some bones fuse together and the number gets to 206. If bones are so hard and strong, how do they not make it stiff? how are we able to bend these hard bones? Well, we don’t have long bones continuously. There are joined with one another at places known as joints. They are joined with one another at places known as joints. These joints make it possible for us to bend our knees, back, and elbows.
Thig bone(Femur)is the strongest and longest bone in the body. It joins your hip to the knee. In fact, all the bones in your legs are quite strong. Do you know why? When you stand up or walk, your legs carry all your body weight. So, they better be strong.
The ear has the smallest and the lightest bone in the body and is present in the inside of the ear. It is called the stapes.
Fast Fact:
We have the same number of bones in our neck as a giraffe seven! It is just that the bones in the giraffe's neck are longer!