Why Do we Get Fever ?

Aakrity Chapagai
3 min readAug 22, 2020


What will you do if a stranger enters your house without permission and tries to harm you ? You will fight him to save yourself of course. And what will you need to fight ? A sticks sounds a good idea to me ! So, when some germs (Virus or bacteria ) enter our body, Our body doesn’t like it at all. It fights back and tries to throw them out. And what do you think the body fights the germs with ? Let’s find out :

When germs enter our body, it produces white blood cells and antibodies. White blood cells and antibodies fight and kill germs. They release chemicals that raise body temperature. The increase in body temperature produces heat in the body. This kills the germs because germs cannot tolerate heat . So when you have fever it is a sign that our body is fighting and killing the germs. Though it’s a sigh of our body working against an infection , you should always visit doctor when you have fever.

So Virus and bacteria make us sick, But what are these ?

If you are put in a room alone and then asked to point out to another living things, What will be your reaction ? You would say there is no living things here in other than me, right ? But there are very small living things all around you. These tiny creatures are called microorganisms. (Micro means small and organism means living being ). Virus and bacteria are types of microorganisms. Some can make us really sick while some are so small that we cannot see them with our eyes. We need special instruments like a microscope to spot them .

3. What is a Virus ?

A virus is a small bundle of chemicals. It is present all around us , in the air or on table, chair and even on our toys. It cannot survive on its own for long. It can only grow when it enters the cells of other living beings.All living beings and even non-living beings are made from cells. A virus can enter the body through our eyes, nose , mouth or even break into our skin. Once it enters the body, It grows in numbers, attacks our cells and infects them. This can make us really sick.

But our body tries to fight the infection back by making white blood cells. White blood cells make antibodies to fight and kill the virus. We might need medicines too when we get infected from a virus but medicines can’t kill a virus completely . It can only stop them from growing fast.

#Fast Fact : Scientists still don’t know if a virus is a living beings or not!

4.What are bacteria ?

Bacteria are tiny living beings that are present everywhere , even inside our bodies. But they are different from virus. They don’t need a living cell to grow and can pretty much grow anywhere. But just like virus they can make us sick. The good news is that medicines can kill bacteria and help us get well soon. But not all bacteria are bad; Some even help us to stay healthy . Isn’t it strange ? But it is absolutely true .

#Fast Fact

The medicines that help us fight and bacteria are called Antibiotic.



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